
Where Is Your Breakout, What Does It Mean?

Unfortunately, breakouts are something that some of us still deal with way past our teens. Do you ever get a breakout in the same spot all the time? Years ago, I used to get cystic acne on my chin which was related to hormones. Wouldn’t it be cool to know what the meaning of every breakout is? Of course, sometimes these breakouts just happen to be from touching your face etc., but if you notice them recurring, this guideline might help you out.

Let’s start with your forehead. While bangs or wearing hats can easily cause breakouts, if you can’t think of any obvious reason you are breaking out on your forehead, take a close look at your digestive health. Eat foods that are high in antioxidants such as berries.  Another culprit might be stress, or not enough sleep.

Next up is your nose. This area is linked to your heart, so perhaps get your blood pressure checked out.

Unless you just waxed your eyebrows and you got a breakout around there, chances are you have been eating foods high in fat, so try to cut that out and see if it helps.

Same with lip area, unless you just removed some peach fuzz, this could be a sign of a poor diet as well. The chin area is linked to the reproductive area, probably why you might breakout around that time of the month.

The cheeks have to do with your respiratory health, time to kick that smoking habit. 


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