
Enhance Your Masculine Style with the Ideal Haircut

Being a stylish man is not an easy task, especially when it comes to making the right choices. From your outfit to your accessories, haircut and beard, your hands are full and we are going to help you. In fact, if you are wondering what haircut suits you the most, you have fallen on the right article.

Your face shape is the main player in this game. Guys with an oval face can rock almost all hairstyles while avoiding long fringes because they tend to make your face look rounder. Therefore, the perfect one would be a haircut with sharp angles and volume. In fact, a haircut with sharp angles and volume is also ideal for a round face, which calls for sides that are shorter than the top and a side part that will definitely make it look longer. And while a square face literally looks great in all hairstyles, an oblong face is better suited with a haircut that is longer on the sides and layered at the top. Haircuts that are short on the sides are to be avoided because they make your face look longer. As for the triangle face, a haircut with short hair on the sides and long hair at the top is a great option. And to bring out your masculine style, a side parting is your way to go!

Another thing to take into consideration is your hair type and texture. Slickbacks are quite difficult to achieve with wavy, thick hair, while they are a great option for those with straight, thin hair. And while curly hair looks great as an edgy version of the undercut, you should follow the natural pattern of your hair if it’s straight and coarse because it’s very difficult to style it in a different way.


Mirella Haddad

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