Jewelry & Watches

Cufflinks, Your Way to Spice up Your Formal Work Style

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No matter how stylish a woman is, choosing the right formal outfit for a work day can impose some important rules. As one yourself, you probably would never leave your house in the morning without wearing a jewelry piece that subtly spices up your look. And since subtle is what we’re going for, bold cuffs, necklaces and earrings are definitely off the table.

That said, you should probably stick to understated pieces that keep your look formal, feminine and far from exaggerated. For example, have you ever thought about wearing cufflinks – or maybe borrowing a pair from your husband? Yes, these pieces were considered men’s staples in the 1700s but more and more women are wearing them nowadays. Stop picturing a man wearing a tuxedo or a suit and take your formal work look to the next level by enriching your jewelry box with some cufflinks.

However, there are some golden rules to take into consideration. Unlike the ones worn by men, your cufflinks should be small in size and less elaborate in their design. In addition, always bear in mind that your choice of cufflinks should be affected by your personality – so if you are not into bows and extremely feminine designs, opt for cufflinks that come in rounded shapes with a subtle touch of diamonds or mother-of-pearl.

What a fantastically elegant way to stand out! Check out our picks below!

Looking for more inspiration concerning jewelry pieces you can wear to work? Check out our feature on Jewelry Pieces to Wear Daily.


Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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