
Master the Art of Wearing a Tiara on Your Big Day

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On your big day, you deserve to be treated like a princess. While your charming prince wait for you to swoon him with your dreamy white gown and your overall look, you must give him and your guests something to look at that will make their eyes shine. And what is that something? A tiara. However, wearing it requires some rules that are worth its importance and sophistication. From protocol to tips, here’s what you need to know in order to master the art of wearing this exquisite piece:

1 – The tiara you wear on your wedding day must be the first you have ever worn, as it represents your love for your husband and your commitment to marital life.

2 – As a bride, the tiara you will be wearing should be offered to you by your family, because after getting married, you are expected to wear the jewelry your husband offers you – which makes the tiara a precious representation of your move from your own family to another.

3 – The way you wear the tiara clearly affects its impact on the people who see you. Make sure the surface of the tiara’s jewel work is placed in the same plane as your face, so that the impact of the delicate design works its magic on your guests. Even though this rule dates back to the 1920s, it remains a cornerstone in the protocol of wearing a tiara.

4 – Although some think that wearing a tiara on the back of the head like an Alice band make the stones lose their brilliance to the ceiling void, some brides like to follow trends and break the rules. If you wish to wear your tiara as a headband, you should be prepared for a lower-intensity shine effect.

5 – When it comes to choosing a tiara, take into consideration your face shape. A long face requires rounded styles of tiaras, while round faces make a good setting for a pointy one.

6 – If you are wearing a veil, don’t attach it to your tiara as its weight will drag it backwards.


Mirella Haddad

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