
Best Buys of the Week

What is it you fancy this week? Could it be that gorgeous leather skirt you spotted on your favorite model? Or could it be that out-of-this-world pantsuit you saw Blake Lively pulling off oh-so-proudly? Whatever your answer is, every week brings a plethora of new styles and new buys, and all you have to do is pick the item that suits you best. Your mother or husband might complain you have a lot of clothes in your closet – 75% out of which you barely wear – but we’re sure you’re already convinced that you need more. And we agree – it’ll be our little secret.

So how do you know when it’s time to do a long overdue wardrobe overhaul? Simply when you feel like you just need this piece de resistance. Or when your other half complains you don’t need it – that’ll be your cue. To help you out, we’ve picked the best buys of the week in the Photo Gallery below. Shop away!


Cindy Menassa

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